Public Consultation
Public Consultation has always been an integral part of our works in Tsuen Wan, which includes consultation with the Tsuen Wan District Council (TWDC), its Traffic and Transport committee and the Working Group on the Tsuen Wan Footbridge Network (TWFNWG). Up to end 2018, the Highways Department (HyD) have attended more than 30 TWFNWG meetings. HyD also consulted stakeholders by various means such meetings and regularly provided update to the TWDC on the latest project development. For the implementation of Footbridge B, we have conducted a series of public consultation activities in 2019, including consultation with the TWDC, meeting with local representatives, distribution of leaflets, roving exhibition etc., and the project is supported by the general public. On 8 September 2020, Highways Department consulted the Traffic and Transport Committee of the Tsuen Wan District Council on the project and received the support of most members.
Meeting with Local Representatives
Meeting with the Traffic and Transport Committee of the Tsuen Wan District Council